lauantai 22. lokakuuta 2016

Being busy

The beginning of studies here was nothing but easy. The course that I originally wanted to attend was cancelled so I was left with basically no other choice than to take classes in German. My German is good, but -as I would very soon find out- not enough to take a class in politics. It would perhaps be easier if I had any prior knowledge of Politics in Germany. I can’t even express how stupid I felt myself in the first lesson. There was a discussion about AfD, which is a right wing party in Germany. Even if I had enough knowledge of the topic to have an opinion, I had no means of expressing it. Furthermore, we were given a written task via moodle. Where is this moodle and how do I use it! Another info that was forgotten to tell me. Shortly put my first week at the school was utter nightmare. Nothing went right and I felt like there is no way I’m going to make it. 
Well, now the second week has come and gone and I am feeling good. The classes are interesting and I actually know what I am doing. I stutter a lot,but mostly I actually can speak my mind. In German. I refuse to take the easy path and use English.
In the meantime the work in cph has went on as usual. I took part in two seminars. One was about youth work. The other was held by many different organizations with presentations and workshops around the theme globalizing. I met so many people and learned not only facts, but also work methods and really cool tools to use in future work. I focused especially on methods suitable for children and youth. I played a board game. In the game players are focet to balance between climate chance and economics. More info here (in English). I love board games and was actually hooked on when I got into it. So it's not only education, but a nice game.
Another example is the phone-kit below. There you can see where the parts of your phone actually come from. The kit is able for renting and comes with all the necessary info and tasks to make a informative and nice lesson.

Apart from games and learn-kits there is a ton of inspiring material online. There are countless of animated videos and documents. Some of them are good, some of them great. But they are nothing new to be completely honest. For me this game was something that stopped me for a while. In the game you choose a person and make their life decisons. The choises are hard and can lead either to happines or sorrow. The game shows very realisticly how hard life can be. The websites are great also in other aspects. Too bad it is all in German, again.
It is kind of sad almost all material I gathered there is in German and is thus harder to use back in Finland. But here is some I'm going to bring back anyway:
This booklet is an example of making global learning fun.

There were few offerings of learning material -kits for schools.

Combining getting to know towns eko-shops and treasure hunt is inspiring and fun. Thumbs up!
Itroduction of the treasure hunt and one task.

perjantai 7. lokakuuta 2016

The week of walking

Monday - the day of German unity

On 3 oct  was the day of German unity. It is a national holiday here so I got an extra day to lay in my bed and get better. During the weekend I got sick and tried to rest as much as possible.

Tuesday- The beginnig of studies

 There was a small info for exchange students who arrived later. There were only five students including myself. Three of the other ones were from the faculty of business and one in social studies. Basicly the coordinator gave a pile of papers and explained everything that needed to be done. And that, unfortunately, was not a short list. Another unpleasant surprise was that nothing were ready in terms of my studies. I was not registered in as a student ant thus student ID card was not pessed, I did not have access to school intranets etc. I got also invited to the official welcoming events, such as sunday brunch. What I’m still lacking is the contact to other students. I did give the other social studies student my contact info and am hoping she will send me message if there is something nice happening.

In the evening there was another event at cph-house. It was a thank-you dinner for people who had financially supported the organization during the last year. The event was called freundeskreistreffen. It consisted of presentation of the house, a dinner and a interview of the artist who made paintings in their new auditorium.

Later I went out to find another interesting place. It was local hlbtq-center called Fliederlich. On tuesdays they have open youth group so it was a suitable time for a visit. It was already late so not too many young people were in. Nevertheless I had a really nice conversarion with a volunteer working in the house. She told me about the organization and their field of work. When leaving I took with me a big pile of info fliers. Perhaps I need to make a post entirely about hlbtq work in Nürnberg.

Wednesday - the day of walking around.

I woke up 7.30, Breakfast downstairs at 8.00. Insurance company down the street 8.30, I dropped there some of my papers. Shools International office 9.30, I got the password and username for school intranet. Shool cashier 10.00, I paid the student fee 112e. Back to my room 11.30 I found out that the password I got does not work. I sent a email to tech-support. The answer was that I need to go to the tech-support office to get a new one. After a luch break and calming down from the frustration I went to the yet another new building for my new password.

At 19.00 there was again an event in the house. This time the event was in the field of culture. It was the opening of the exhibition Glänzende Aussichten.  The artpieces are caricaturen around the themes lifestyle, consumption and climate change. 

The rest of the week

Einwohneramt is the place where you have to go register in when you move to Germany. I was told in the orientation day that you have to be there very early because the lines are unbelievably long. I took the tip in and went to the building 7.30 when the doors opened at 8.00 - and the line was already there! During the 30 minutes I waited outside dozens of people gathered by the door. When the place finally opened and everybody rushed in, I got the line number 53 and it took almost an hour to get to a serving counter. In the end I was happy there are some things that are better organized in Finland.

Otherwise. There is not much to be told. I got some books to read for the rest of the week and that is what I have been doing. Well, I did take some pictures while I was walking around: